Difference between Direct costs and Indirect costs associated with an accident


Direct costs - the measurable costs arising directly from the accident.

Indirect costs - those which arise indirectly as a consequence of the event. Indirect costs are often difficult to quantify precisely and may be hard to identify.

Direct Cost

Indirect Cost

Fines in the criminal courts.

Loss of staff from productive duties in order to investigate the incident, prepare reports, undertake hospital visits, deal with relatives, attend court proceedings.

Compensation payable to the victim, which is likely to be met by insurance cover and will therefore result in an increase in insurance premiums.

Loss of staff morale (which impacts on productivity, quality and efficiency).

First-aid treatment.

Cost of remedial action following an investigation, e.g. change of process or materials and/or the introduction of further control measures.

Worker sick pay.

Compliance with any enforcement notice served.

Repairs to, or replacement of, damaged equipment and buildings.

Cost of recruiting and training temporary or replacement labour.

Lost or damaged product.

General difficulties in recruiting and retaining staff as an indirect result of the accident.

Lost production time whilst dealing with the injury.

Loss of goodwill of customers following delays in production and fulfilling orders.

Overtime to make up for lost time.

Activation of penalty clauses for failing to meet delivery dates.

Costs associated with the rehabilitation of the injured worker and their return to work.

Damage to public image and business reputation.

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