Moral (humane) reasons for managing health and safety at the workplace

There are several strong justifications for promoting high safety standards. The repercussions of fires, accidents, and catastrophes are pervasive and have an impact on many people in various ways. The people who are immediately impacted by a fire or an accident at work are likely to suffer, which is the most evident outcome. These people could experience anything from death to comparatively minor injuries. People who are involved in any type of safety event frequently experience physiological illness in addition to the physical effects on their bodies. The impacts on the families and dependents of persons who sustain injuries or illnesses brought on by their jobs are less evident but no less significant. These groups may experience large and widespread effects, such as:

  • The mental and emotional toll of witnessing the deterioration of a family member. 
  • The strain on one's finances brought on by a reduction in one's ability to earn a living. 
  • The deterioration of one's social life. 
  • The emotional strain of witnessing a family member's suffering; 
  • The financial burden caused by a lack of income
  • The loss of a social amenity
  • The probable need for long-term care.

A number of linked physiological diseases, such as post-traumatic stress disorder, are known to be susceptible to any major work-related injuries in addition to those who are directly impacted (PTSD).

Additionally, there may be serious mental and physical repercussions for people who feel partially at fault for the death or injury of a coworker, a member of the public, or a consumer of a product or service due to ineffective safety management or a simple error. In Great Britain, at least one person dies from work-related causes every working day, over 6000 people are hurt, and approximately one million people take time off due to illnesses they believe to be related to their jobs. About 30 million workdays are missed annually due to accidents and illnesses related to the workplace.

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