Name of the Site               --       Name of the project or site

Date of the JSA                --       18/01/2022

Name of the Preparation  --       YOUR NAME


Scope of Activity


Control Measures

Requested by


Planning & arranging materials

·         Inadequate access,

·         poor selection of equipment,

·         inadequate employee


·         Work site assessment completed, and Scope of works completed including listing of equipment requirements, staffing levels, site hazards and difficulties. 

·         Arrangements will be made for delivery schedule of materials.




Delivery of materials and site set up


·         Delivery of materials and site set up

·         Site unknown to workers – lead to possible

·         incidents involving other contractors, and site hazards

·         Small materials will be palletized and delivered by truck with mounted crane by (less than 10 tonne) for unloading.

·         Larger materials will be delivered by truck with slewing crane with certified operator and dogman for unloading.

·         Team to be provided with site induction on arrival by Principal Contractor.

·         Site notices to be posted and barriers put in place as needed.

·         PPE must be worn at all times (include hard hats, safety shoes, flour wear



Inspection of Timbers & Equipment

·         Risk of splinters and cuts to workers.

·         Possible risk of failure of timbers and  equipment

·         All timbers will be visually inspected at commencement of the job. 

·         Barbs, nails etc will be removed with pliers, tools.

·         Structurally Defective timbers are removed from use.

·         All timber and equipment will be inspected and  serviced as required by manufacturer recorded on the plant and equipment register.

·         Faulty plant and equipment will be tagged out of service and removed from site.



Erection of formwork

·         Risk of being hit by plant such as  excavators

·         hit by debris

·         work like brick layers, demolition works, jip rockers and services trades etc.

·         Use barrier via tap or other wise to seal off areas where work is being carried out away from any plant machinery operating.

·         PPE must be worn at all times (include hard hats, safety shoes, flour wear.



Erection of Formwork support & Structure

·         instability  formwork

·         Tripping Hazard

·         Falling Hazard

·         Ergonomic Hazard


·         All formwork supports, structures and attachments are inspected for defects prior to operations.

·         Defective equipment will not be used.

·         Hardhats and Steel capped boots

·         Engineer to complete hand-over certificate for  structure

·         Use structure as per manufacturers recommendations.

·         Risk of tripping and falling when attaching timbers to framing if no work platform available. 

·         Working on windy or wet days

·         Working From heights more than 1 frame high can lead to falling in excess of 2 meters.

·         Temporary work platforms to be put in place when attaching framing. Platforms to meet scaffolding standards.

·         Handrails need to be erected on leading edge and post to be screwed down with screws.

·         Harnesses need to be worn and secured to a strong support if a person is to work beyond handrails

·         If platform is in working progress and hand rails are not erected yet,

·         Personnel must stay away at least 2 meters from leading edge.

·         PPE must be worn at all times (include hard hats, safety shoes, flour wear

·         Workers are not to work in windy or slippery condition on the formwork deck.

·         A platform made up of planks which is to be at least 450mm in total width is to be erected on top of the first set of frames to prevent a fall greater than 2 meters to a hard surface.

·         The same will apply when striping high formwork.





·         Fall from height

·         Tripping Hazard

·         when wet or windy conditions are present.

·         Stepping on nail in plywood

·         Erection of fall protection when working at  height – Scaffolding will be used if in situ.

·         Alternatively hand-rail guarding will be erected. 

·         Denial and always work in safe weather conditions



Woking next to train line

·         Woking too close to train line can lead to shock from train power lines or even collision and death with an on passing train

·         Don’t go any were near train lines and always keep a safe distance from them. For the purpose out works, there is no work to be carried out any were near the train lines.



Power Tools


Possible Hazards 

- Cut to limbs

- Electrocution

- Many circular saws working in close

proximity may cause hearing damage.

May damage sight due to flying debris

Possible Hazards 

- Cut to limbs

- Electrocution

- Many circular saws working in close

proximity may cause hearing damage.

May damage sight due to flying debris





·         Risk of being struck by falling building –

·         ceiling, floor if support frames are dropped.

·         From under the structure–‘drop stripping’.

·         Risk of puncture injury if nails are left in timbers when being stripped, all nails should be De-nailed as being stripped.

·         Risk of being hit by falling object if access to area where stripping is undertaken is not secured.

·         Drop stripping is prohibited for all works.

·         All support jacks will be lowered incrementally with appropriate supports left in situ to minimise risk being hit by falling object.

·         Ply will be removed sheet-by-sheet from the concrete.

·         All timbers will be de-nailed as stripping occurs stored immediately.

·         No nails will be left on work floor.

·         The work area will be cordoned off by appropriate tape and barriers and signage erected indicating unauthorised access denied

·         Only 2 workers will be allowed to enter and work in the stripping area at one time.

·         Workers will be appropriately trained.

·         Supervision will be provided.




Removal of Centralising Equipment


·         Form work materials left in area could lead to risk of trip/fall risk and inadequate access.

·         Risk of being hit by falling object when removing centralising equipment.

·         All formwork equipment must be stacked and/or

·         palletised and removed from site immediately

·         after stripping and prior to removal of

·         centralising equipment too ensure adequate

·         access.

·         Area to be cordoned off with tape and barriers

·         to prevent access to non-authorised personnel.

·         Signage to be erected

·         Only 2 competent staff members to remove

·         centralising equipment.

·         Line of site supervision

·         Back propping to be erected prior to dismantling

·         centralising equipment t allow adequate curing

·         time for cement.



Shifting of Material

·         Personal injury.

·         Tripping Hazards

·         Slipping Hazard

·         Leveling surface in required.

·         Trained workman is required with right body posture.

·          Work space should be maintained properly without any obstruction.

Site engineer/EHS


Placing of material

·         Tripping hazards.

·         Personal injury

·         Slipping Hazard

·         Access should be clear.

·         Material should be well stacked.

·         Adequate PPEs should be use.



Handling of C.T props

·         Hand tools.

·          Tripping Hazard

·         fall of persons

·         Hand and power tools should be inspected and secured.

·         Shuttering boards should be secured.

·         All Access and egress should be clear.

·          Walkway should be free from loose material



De shuttering

·         Falling Hazard

·         Slipping Hazard.

·         Strike.

·         The surrounding area should be barricade and caution boards place before work.

·         All workers should be trained regarding the de shuttering work.

·         Loose materials should not place in a access.

·         De shuttering should be taken place in systematic manner by removal of the shuttering in stage wise.

·         Unbalance area should identify and corrective action should be ensured.

·         There should not be any unsafe act at the time of de shuttering.

·          Staking and arranging all shuttering material at all time.



Emergency Procedure

·         Injury / damage as a result of Painting work


·         Training to be giving to all personnel to ensure understanding of all emergency arrangement at site.

·         Line supervision shall take control of any emergency situation until the emergency response team arrives.

·          Any area of danger shall be immediately condoned off.

·         All personnel shall immediately leave their work location and proceeding an orderly manner to the nearest emergency assembly point.

·          All personnel should be aware of the emergency contact details / numbers.

·         All personnel should be aware of the First Aides Room location.


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