JSA Example for Confined Space Entry Jobs



JOB TITLE / AIM: Mechanical & Manual Excavation , working in Confined space

JSA DATE: 22-01-2023




PARTICIPANTS : Name 1, Name 2, Name 3


Attach copies of any relevant documentation/ drawings.


Part 2: Job Safety Analysis

Job Steps:

   1. Mobilization of People, Equipment & Materials

   2. Working inside confined Space

   3. Mechanical/Manual Excavation

   4. Working at night shift hours

   5. Demobilization


Part 3: Equipments / Tools to be used: Excavator, Dumper, Loader, Jack Hammer (Pneumatic tool) Air compressor, wheel barrows & Hand Tools


Part 4: Contingency Plans.   Standard PPE’s: First aid kit must be present at work site and the HSE personnel will be the first response in case of emergency, ERPs & Emergency contact numbers to be in placed at job location


Part 5: JSA Review Process.  After the job has been completed, JSA leader should note: any hazards, which were identified in the original JSA?  In case of any new hazard indentified by any of the working team member during the job, JSA review process should be carried on.





JOB TITLE: Mechanical & Manual Excavation, working in Confined space


Describe Job Step

Potential Hazards

Hazard Controls


Mobilization of equipment & Materials

·         Involvement of unskilled personnel

·         Personnel hit by vehicles/equipments

·         Heavy vehicle/equipment movement without signal man

·         Vehicle/equipment over turn

·         Trained & skilled staff to be authorized for working

·         Ensure JSA briefing to all workforce prior to commence activity

·         Deliver daily TBT

·         Ensure availability of banks man on site

·         Use of appropriate PPE’s

·         Unauthorised/ uninspected equipment/tools at site

·         Only inspected Equipments/Tools must be allowed at work site

·         Use right tools for right job

·         All tools must be colour coded

·         Personnel injury / property damage

·         Ensure safe transportation of equipment/materials at work site

·         Ensure use of proper PPE’s, avoid throwing of materials

·         All of materials to be secured while its transportation to work site

·         Close safety supervision


Manual Excavation for Civil works




·         Unskilled personnel involvement

·         Personnel hit by hand tools due to SIMOPS

·         Concrete paved area/hard surface

·         Excavation collapse

·         Use of damage tools

·         Falling objects

·         Working in confined space

·         Deliver tool box talk to all of workforce prior to commence the activity

·         Ensure Hand tools are inspected & colour coded

·         Dump concrete material away from trench

·         Workers should keep a reasonable distance during manual excavation

·         Ensure Close HSE monitoring

·         Ensure proper shoring/ramping/benching of deep excavations (as required)

·         Working areas should be clearly marked & hard barricaded

·         Be careful of overhead structures/objects

·         Restrict unauthorized personnel & movement in live areas

·         Proper coordination with ARL Team regarding all works

·         Stop work in case exposing of any underground utilities & contact ARL

·         Dust

·         Ensure use of appropriate PPE’s (dust mask)

·         Ensure dust suppression on site


Mechanical Excavation




·         Personnel/Structures hit by Equipment/Heavy Vehicle,

·         Striking of vehicles with scaffolding structure/foundations


·         Deliver tool box talk to all of vehicles drivers & operators

·         Banks men should be available at site

·         Keep away all unauthorized people during movement of heavy vehicle/equipments

·         Ensure Close HSE monitoring /supervision

·         Be careful of nearby structure/foundation

·         Flame arrestor to be installed in vehicles

·         Personnel hit by Movement of heavy vehicles/equipments

·         Excavation collapse

·         Personnel/Equipments fall in excavated place

·         Falling objects

·         Fire explosion

·         Deliver tool box talk to all drivers/optrs

·         Banks man should be available at site

·         Restrict People during movement of heavy vehicle/equipments

·         Ensure proper barrication of excavated area also display safety signs

·         Close HSE monitoring /supervision

·         Ensure proper shoring/ramping/benching of deep excavations (as required)

·         Slip, Trip & fall

·         Excavated area should be properly hard barricaded

·         Keep access/walk ways always clear from any obstruction

·         Inclement weather condition

·         Stop work in case of any inclement weather conditions (Rain, storm, fog etc.) 

·         Restrict movement of heavy vehicles/equipments in rain/fog


 Working at night shift hours


·         Poor visibility at night hours

·         Ensure proper lighting arrangement for late night working hours

·         Vehicles/equipments hit with people, equipment or structure

·         Careful movement of vehicles in night hours

·         Place refection tapes at hard barriers, structures

·         Banks men should worn high visibility reflection vests

·         Slip , trip & fall

·         No working should be allowed in poor lighting conditions

·         Ensure proper housekeeping to avoid tripping






·         Same as item one


Same as item one






Prepared By :  Your Name                                                                                         Approved By:_____________________

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